How much does this clip or photo cost?

Pricing of clips and photos can be seen on the individual clip or photo pages. For Royalty-free clips and photos, pricing is visible to the right of the clip or photo:

Royalty-free (RF) clips or photos may be used for an unlimited number of projects and mediums, worldwide, in perpetuity. 

See our licensing page for available royalty-free licenses.

For clips and photos that are Rights-Managed, pricing depends on specific usage. Simply visit the product page and view the right-hand side to price the clip. You can use the pricing calculator provided to determine the price. For example, if you are wanting to license a clip for a television show, you can price it as follows:



Rights-managed (RM) clips and photos are available for licensing per project, defined by a combination of medium (such as advertising, television show, or film), usage (such as theatrical, festival rights, online advertising), scale (region or target audience), and duration (i.e., one year or the life of the project).